Technical Papers

Preparing your home for extreme heat

Friday, June 10th, 2022 by Conner Fondaw

When summer has arrived, and with-it extreme temperatures, fans and AC are good ways to keep yourself and your home cool and comfortable during the warmer months of the year. Another more energy efficient way is to keep your windows covered from the morning and afternoon sun. Using drapes, shutters or, shades are all good ways to do this. Better yet are outdoor awnings or louvers which are even more effective at keeping the heat out of your house. But even if you have fans and AC running, even if you cover up your windows to the best of your abilities, you will still have uncomfortable or uncontrollable heat seeping into your home if you don’t have your home properly insulated. Without proper insulation you are letting uncontrolled air enter and exit your house, this can be a major cause of elevated temperatures within your home. Additionally it cost money to heat and cool your home so holding on to conditioned air as long as possible will help reduce the cost of heating or cooling air when conditioned air is lost. 


There are numerous product and service option to serve every type of home design. different types of installation can provide different levels of performance depending on the R Value rating. Bat insulation, cellulose blown insulation, spray foam and, insulation paneling can all yield different results depending on home design, geographic location and, age of the home. Having a home science evaluation is one of the best ways to determine what options are best for any home.


At Comfenergy we can help you beat the summer heat and stop uncontrolled air from entering your home by providing you a free consultation to make sure your home stays comfortable and well insulated all year-round.
