Homeowners in Sumerduck, VA
The bedrooms on the top floor of this home were always uncomfortable.

Removing Old Insulation
Removing the old insulation is the first step in making this home's top floor more comfortable.

Cleaned Out Attic
Once the old insulation is out and the attic is clear, it's ready for air sealing.

Air Sealing Attic
A production crew member air seals the attic using expanding polyurethane foam.

Fire Caulk to Stop Air Flow
This metal chimney pipe is sealed with fire caulk to stop air flow.

Metal "Chimney Wrap"
A Rock Wool sleeve is installed around the metal chimney pipe. Rock wool is completely fireproof.

Electrical Utility Box is Air Sealed
An electrical utility box is air sealed with one part spray foam to stop air leakage.

TruSoft Cellulose Insulation
Cellulose Insulation is blown in to an R value of 60