This Arlington, VA homeonwer had a drafty top floor with no access to the attic on each gable end. They really did not want to have drywall damage, so our production team member Ismael created access by pulling of vinyl siding and going through the gable end of the attic.
The following pictures are the work performed to gain access to the attic, and the work itself.
Project Summary
Evaluator: Carl Depner
This Arlington, VA home needed to fix the drafty top floor...but how to get there?
The Comfenergy production team leader Ismael says, "Let's go through the gable end!"
Almost there......
Here's what the builder left the homeowner with.....Nice work!!!
Comfenergy removed all of the builder's wonderful air sealing and insulating work and sealed the soffit in this section of the gable attic.
Closed cell foam spray was then used to air seal and insulate. No more drafts here!!!